Video Game Awards 2018: Best Content

These days, video games are packed with content. Whether it’s alternate modes, post-game content, or various side objectives, games do their damnedest to make sure there’s always something to do. 2017 was no exception to this, with game after game cramming in whatever they could to make sure gamers were never bored. Of course, there can only be one winner.


Winner: Super Mario Odyssey

With all due respect to the vastness of Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule, and the seemingly never-ending length of Persona 5, it was Super Mario Odyssey that had something fun to do around every nook and cranny. Odyssey is one of maybe a handful of games where there’s simply never a dull second. Like the best Mario games (specifically, World and Galaxy 2), Odyssey liberally sprinkles in creative idea after creative idea, with none of them overstaying their welcome. And by combining that inventive mentality with the more “sandbox” style of 64 and Sunshine, it turns every Kingdom into a virtual playground.

Hundreds and hundreds of Power Moons are hidden away for Mario to find. And the reward for collecting them? More Super Mario Odyssey! It seems like no matter how much you accomplish in Odyssey, you’re always uncovering more to do.

Better still is that Nintendo seemed to have designed Odyssey with every audience in mind, intentionally implementing moves that allow speedrunners to “break” the game if they’re crafty enough, while other players have plenty of options to take their time. Then take into account all the different capture abilities and gameplay styles, and Super Mario Odyssey is like an endless well of fun. I mean, you can ride around the city in a motor scooter! You don’t have to, but it’s there, and you can!

To top it all off, Super Mario Odyssey has perhaps the best post-game content out there, expanding the adventure by quite a large margin, while also introducing all the more variations of gameplay. And now with updates making their way into the game, Super Mario Odyssey is simply a title that never lets up.


Runner-up: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Runner-up: Persona 5

Author: themancalledscott

Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining, the man called Scott is an ancient sorcerer from a long-forgotten realm. He’s more machine now than man, twisted and evil. Or, you know, he could just be some guy who loves video games, animations and cinema who just wanted to write about such things.

3 thoughts on “Video Game Awards 2018: Best Content”

  1. I’ve been super happy that Odyssey actually lived up to the all the hype I had seen. Personally, it did manage to take me back to the 64 predecessor, one of my all time favorite games, and kept me interested in the post-game (which many games fail to do for me). Great game.

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