Super Mario Odyssey Impressions

I’ll just come outright and say it; Super Mario Odyssey is wonderful. I still have a way to go before I beat it and collect everything, but from what I’ve seen so far, every minute of Odyssey has been a joy.

Having played Odyssey back at E3 2017, it’s interesting to see what has changed. Namely, the motion-controls when playing with two joycons feels smoother than they did at E3 (though the E3 demo also didn’t explain the motion-controls in full detail, so maybe I just know what I’m doing now). It’s wonderful how well the game controls. Here I thought I was going to prefer using the joycons docked in the controller, but I actually think I enjoy the motion-controls more. It all feels so fluid.

“Although the bosses are a bit on the easy side, they are consistently inventive and fun.”

Then we have the capture abilities, which are constantly changing up the gameplay. It’s so much fun just to see how every last character and creature plays. So far, my favorites have been the Chomp, the T. Rex and the tank!

There’s just so much gameplay exuding from every corner of Odyssey, it’s astounding! And the whole game is riddled in little surprises in every detail. It’s very reminiscent of collecting the Korok seeds in Breath of the Wild, but even more playful with how it inspires curiosity in the player. It seems in every moment I’ve wanted to search every last corner of a stage to find secret moons!

It’s perhaps the level design that’s Odyssey’s biggest highlight, with ever level being vastly different than the one that came before. Not just in aesthetics and themes, but also the obstacles, capture abilities and, most importantly, ideas.

So far, there’s simply never been a dull moment in Super Mario Odyssey. It has that same level of polish and consistent inventiveness of the Galaxy games or Super Mario World. I still may have a way to go, but so far, Super Mario Odyssey has the potential to wrest Breath of the Wild’s crown for the title of best game of 2017.

Author: themancalledscott

Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining, the man called Scott is an ancient sorcerer from a long-forgotten realm. He’s more machine now than man, twisted and evil. Or, you know, he could just be some guy who loves video games, animations and cinema who just wanted to write about such things.

3 thoughts on “Super Mario Odyssey Impressions”

  1. When it comes to GOTY discussions, I am still leaning more towards Breath of the Wild, but – like you – I am floored by Odyssey.

    If I had to choose a best Mario game of all time, I would still probably go with Galaxy 2, but Odyssey gets pretty damn close to it and I am stunned by how much Nintendo was able to pack into this game.

    I just beat it yesterday, and now I am off to fully complete all kingdoms. It will be a challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really? Although Breath of the Wild is a 10/10 masterpiece, it also had more tiny details that were a little annoying to me (rain, horses being next to pointless). BotW is definitely one of the best games ever made, but Odyssey feels like Galaxy 2 levels of perfection. The ending segment was arguably my favorite gaming moment ever…until the postgame topped it.

      You should check out my full review of Odyssey, which is up now.

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